Role of the Committee

  • This committee is responsible for nominating the EDC co-ordinator throughout the academic year and for promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation related activities.
  • To built relationship with alumni for long-standing growth of EDC.
  • Members will encourage all students interested in innovation and start-up activities with an added focus on women and under privileged classes.
  • Members were continuously focused to find potential partners, MSME Enterprises, Alumni, Professional Bodies and Entrepreneurs to support and co-design the programs


S.No Name Designation Position
1 Mrs.M.M.D.Abirami Lingeshwari Chairperson Chief Advisor
2 Dr.N.Kottiswaran Principal Advisor
3 Dr.K.Kanthavel Coordinator-EDC AURC,Coimbatore External Mentor
4 Mr.M.Vivek Kumar Official Master Trainer,EDII,Tamilnadu External Mentor
5 Ms.Elamathi Co-founder,CEO Axexa Technology External Mentor
6 Dr.P.D.R Vijayakumar Vice-Principal Internal Mentor
7 Mr.C.Rajasekar Assistant Professor Coordinator
8 Mr.N.Paramesh/MBA Student Coordinator Student Coordinator
9 Ms.A.Agalya/IT Student Coordinator Student Coordinator

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