- To ensure the availability of books, journals and non-book materials required by the students and faculty.
- To increase the collection of books, journals and utilization rate of library facilities
- The Library is spread over 802 Sqm.
Working Hours: 9.00 a.m. – 07.00 p.m. on all working days
Transaction Timings: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Access Link (Login Using IP Login)
- Fully computerized bar coded circulation service (Issue and Return of books)
- OPAC- Online Public Access Catalogue facility is now available at the library entrance
- Reference service-(Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Yearbooks, Exam Books, Question banks,Previous year question papers)
- Greenstone Digital Library Software to access Anna University Question Papers, College News Aptitude Question and Answers, etc.,
- Digital library with internet connectivity for access to internet resources
- Online access to international journals
- User Education Program
- Book Bank Service
- Inter Library Loan
- Reprography and Printout services
This section has the collection of text and reference as prescribed in the University syllabus and relevant text books and reference books recommended by the faculty in all branches.
The Library has made subscription for 109 National Journals and 86 International Journals.
Our library is subscribing for the following newspapers:
- The Hindu
- The New Indian Express
- Businessline
- Times of India
- Dinamalar
- Dinamani
- Daily Thanthi
- Hindu Tamil
This section is having Reference books, Dictionaries, Question Banks, University Question Papers
This section facilitates to access Internet Resources, E-Journals, CD Rams
The Library of Info at present has a book stock of 34638 volumes with 11763 titles. It subscribes 109 national and 86 international journals. It also subscribes IEEE Online journals
The Library has 2595 nos. of CD-ROMs
- Back Volumes : 247 Nos
- Project Reports : 894 Nos
- A Photostat Machine is available in the Library and in the Office.
- Students are permitted to take Photostat copies for the required materials in the Office
- They have to produce their ID Cards to the Library
The Info Library uses Autolib Software system with barcode scanning facility which puts it on par with the best modern libraries in keeping track of issues and returns in a foolproof manner.
The library also has fully subscribed access to the following external E-resources
- DELNET - Click Here
- NDLI -Click Here
- NPTEL -Click Here
- Shodhganga-Click Here
- Shodhsindhu-Click Here
- INFO LMS -Click Here
In addition to the well stocked and fully automated central library, each department of INFO has its own departmental library to facilitate easy access to the faculty.
Name: |
A.Deivakumar |
Designation: |
Assistant Librarian |
Qualification: |
M.A.,M.L.I.S., |
Experience: |
6 years |
> |
Name: |
Subramanian |
Designation: |
Assistant Librarian |
Qualification: |
Bsc., B.Ed. |
Experience: |
5 years |
> |
- Library OPAC
- Circulation Counter
- IEEE / IEE Journals : www.ieeexplore.ieee.org
- DELNET Services: www.delnet.nic.in
- British Council Library, Chennai : www.britishcouncilonline.org
OTHER LIBRARY WEBSITE ADDRESSES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIBRARY USERS1. Sign. in the Staff Register kept at the entry point, while entering the Library. 2. Faculties are permitted to borrow library books - 10 numbers with a lending period of 6 months and National journals-1 No., CD – 1 No. are also given for lending for a period of 3 days. 3. Procedure for borrowing of books:- (i)Fill up the Book Card (ii)Submit your ID card along with Book in the Circulation Counter. 4.Fine will be collected for the delayed return of books 5. Loss of books must be intimated immediately to the library and to be replaced by the user with the same title and author and edition, if it is not available in the market users have to pay three times of the book cost.. 6.Do not move books/Journals from specified area to another area. 7.Do not replace the books after reading. 8.Do not use other`s ID cards for borrowing of books. 9.Faculty members are permitted to recommend new books for procurement 10.University Question Papers, Question Banks and Student Project Reports are Available for reference 11.Online Public Access Catalogue is available in the Library, it can be used to Search the availability of books in the library, user account details, etc., 12.Separate Journals Section and Digital Library are functioning in the library and IEEE Journals may be accessed in the digital library. 13.Reprography facility is available in the library. 14.Usage of Mobile Phone is totally prohibited in the Library
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Central Library |
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Central Library |
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
Central Library |
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
P.K. Kelkar Library |
Indian Institute of Technology Madras |
Central Library |
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee |
Central Library |
Indian Institute of Science Banglore |
Library |
National Centre for Science Information, Bangalore |
Library |
Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode |
Library |